School Hub

Next Step: School Hub

A 2016 survey identified that (77%) of school Principals are concerned they lack resources to support children with special needs. This data unfortunately confirms our experience of working with over 300 families in the past 7 years

Special needs students are observed to be isolated when participating in mainstream sport at school. Reasons have been described as:

• lack of social interaction skills,
• sensory deficiency,
• low hand/eye/foot co-ordination,
• lack of movement skills and need for targeted skills development

Next Step School Hub pilot program in 2018; 13 Ryde families and 3 local primary schools sought to deliver on our mission to remove the barriers to children’s participation in sport after transitioning to primary schools. 

How the program works:

• Collaborative partnerships are formed between families and school principals in the Hub and early intervention service providers operating in the area
• Children are identified who would most benefit (usually by their principal with teacher involvement, but parents are also encouraged to nominate)
• Classes are offered in one location with children being transported into a central Hub School
• Classes are offered for 1 hour per week for a semester and once children have built capacity they are transitioned to a mainstream program and another child enters into the program. 
• Delivered by Coaches with training and experience with the Next Step Foundation methodology, in collaboration with early intervention and health professionals 
• The Children are guided in the application of the curriculum often one-to-one to support skills development
• Families are welcomed and encouraged to attend and support their children in the sessions
• Evaluation takes place via Individual Education Plan monitoring. Specifically monitoring progress of gross motor skills and emotional and behavioural development

Impact and Outcomes of 2018 School Hub program

Increased student confidence, social interaction and skill development, allowing students to participate equally and competitively in sporting activities within schools as well as organised weekend competitions. The increase in student transition rates from the Next Step Schools Hub programs have provided families with great prideand joy in the accomplishments of their children and for thechildren, some of the known benefits of mainstream environments include: 

• Increased social initiations, relationships, and networks
• Peer role models for academic, social and behaviour skills
• Increased achievement of Individual Education Plans (IEP) goals
• Enhanced skill acquisition and generalisation
• Increased inclusion in future environments
• Greater opportunities for interactions
• Higher expectations
• Families are more integrated into the community

“To increase student confidence, social interaction and skill development, which will allow students to participate equally and competitively in sporting activities within schools as well as organised weekend competitions. The overall confidence, engagement and skills developed through the participation of this initiative will have great value to the targeted students’ life within school and outside of school.” 

John Koletti – Principal Putney Primary School tells us why he has introduced the Next Step School Hub Program at his school


Schools Hub Program is being offered again in Gladesville, NSW in 2019. 

Registration for School Hub

Interested in establishing a Schools Hub program in your area?

Phone Scam Alert!

Please be advised we have become aware of a scam where customers have been called by an individual claiming to be a representative of Next Step Foundation. During the call the customers have been asked to donate money or provide banking details. Next Step Foundation does not engage in cold calling as we have ethical fund-raising practices outside of the scope of cold calling.

Here’s what to do if you are affected:
If you receive one of these calls, please do not supply any of your banking details and immediately end the call.
If you have already received one of these calls and you have valuable information about this fraudulent activity, please contact us on:

Phone: +61 4 11 813 540
Email: [email protected]